Home of Cyber Owl Games, we're a small indie company developing Cyber Rift, a story-driven romance visual novel (in development). In the mean time between updates we're making fancy pinups!

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TLDR: Cyber Rift Part 3 will be released on September 4th plus some info on development and future updates

Been a little while! So throughout these past few months we've had a bit of a turbulent development with Cyber Rift. With new changes to the team, IRL problems and good ole technical issues, working on the game has been a bit of a challenge.Luckily we're happy to announce that Part 3 will finally be ready on September 4th. Today we wanted to go into a bit of detail on what's been taking so long as well explain both the highs and lows on the game's development.


Update we'll finally discover what the Syndicate's been hiding on Cyberia!

Not go into too much detail team wise, but we've had our fair share of various IRL issues that was causing some problems with getting back to development on the game. Coding wise our main coder was focused on finishing a full-stack development bootcamp (basically just learning how to build and maintain websites) for 3 months which completely sapped all their energy towards coding other things. And as you can imagine similar stuff with the other members of the team. We've also had to have a change of writers which we mentioned recently, the older writer is still around for supervising and improving scripts, but getting the new writer settled into writing new parts of the story has been a bit of a challenging but rewarding experience. We're confident that they'll really be a fantastic fit for expanding Cyber Rift's universe, but we've definitely had our fair share of learning experiences.


Fae's making herself at home at the Syndicate lab.

Now for the update! Part 3 will start off right as Elsie exits the lab after "dealing" with her mark. We adjusted the dialogue because it had originally been slapped together as a placeholder as we were int he process of transitioning writers. Saves should still work between versions, but we'll still have the "Start From Patch" button trigger right at that moment so everyone can see the new writing. We've spent a fair bit of time trying to make the scenes transition correctly, but we're definitely looking for feedback on improving the game. Everie also finally gets her warmup scene! This was a NSFW scene that was meant to be added before, but due to the various issues described earlier we weren't able to include it in the build. We're including two new NSFW scenes, two new backgrounds, two new minigames (this is something we're absolutely looking for a lot of feedback on so if you guys enjoy tthem we'll definitely want to know!) and a brand new music track. Writing wise the amount is very similar to Part 2, and we're aiming to transition to Part 4 as quickly as we can, so once the update is stable we're happy to move into future content at a better pace.


Our newest attempt at a brand new minigame! We're still learning how to implement them so we'll definitely need feedback on this update.

One final bit of news! After Part 3 is stable we'll be adding Part 2 as our new public demo as well as uploading to Newgrounds. We initially wanted to do this much sooner but because we wanted to keep paid content at least one version ahead we held off on this. Part 2 will feature all the content and stop right before Part 3 begins. We'll also include a code for a teaser just like we did on the previous Newgrounds build.

That's all for this post and we're extremely excited to hear what you guys think next week!