Home of Cyber Owl Games, we're a small indie company developing Cyber Rift, a story-driven romance visual novel (in development). In the mean time between updates we're making fancy pinups!

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CyberOwlGames's News

Posted by CyberOwlGames - August 1st, 2022


Hello everyone! It's been a chaotic few months and thought it was about time to get a proper news update on what's going on. In IRL news I've had my gallbladder removed due to some major issues health wise. It was initially a fair rough recovery, and on top of that I ended up having to move places from one city to another. Naturally this created a lot of issues in terms of getting development with the game done, and also just keeping things in order. Not to mention our artist also broke his arm last month, game development wise we had to slow down a fair bit. This wasn't something we wanted to do, but it was just the reality of the situation. So now's the time to get things back into motion!

I had the version on the left with more holes :(


As we mentioned in the last news update (this was patron news for all non patron viewers) we were adjusting the game based on feedback. What this means is that although we're very happy with the art design and new story feedback, it did feel like the initial story beats were happening just a bit too fast.  We've decided to adjust the events by adding days for the events and the framework for adding a proper day/night cycle. This new art below is also from the brand new intro to the game. We realized that the initial version kind of just throws you into the thick of it, so now we added a whole new little intro cutscene to fix that. We're also adding a view of the ship from space (tho we're waiting on our artist to heal so we can do that). 


For patrons who may have been upset over the lack of pinup for the month we agree with you! Unfortunately due to our artist being indisposed by a broken arm, we haven't been able to get any more made up. Once he's recovered, we're going to make 2-3 pinups to make up for the lack of them. This will be one to finish off the Elden Ring series with Malenia, and a surprise one inspired by Future Fragments! We'll give you more information on this super soon, but for now just hang on tight! Game wise you can expect some form of update this month, and hopefully a reworked build in the next few weeks. That's it for this news update, and tune in for much more very soon!



Posted by CyberOwlGames - June 15th, 2022


Our goal with the first few builds of the Cyber Rift Reboot was to fix up many of the issues that we had with pacing and story wise, as well as improve the art and overall direction of the game. With the help of our amazing patrons as well as some vigorous work on our end playtesting and fixing up issues, we've made some very large strides. After a month or so of major progress we've managed to get the build in a stable and very workable condition. We've managed to get almost all the features we've intended for the build as well as some features we were hoping to implement later in even earlier than expected.


The current build that's released so far is Chapter 1 Part 1 of the game. As we continue development we will be releasing the polished version of this build to public across all our various platforms, as well as give patrons early previews of what's to come. For our non paying fans you can expect the build to be ready for public in the next 2-3 weeks. Patrons can expect an early preview of a new scene for Part 2 as well as access to our newest pinup soon as well. Here's our new up to date roadmap as well!


As we continue through the development the roadmap each of the planets/locations will be revealed as well as chibis for the new characters. We wanted to convey where we were going in a fun and interesting way, so keep an eye on our roadmap for new changes as we get further into development.

In terms of features we already have implemented:

-20 CG backgrounds

-5 Unique character sprites with different poses and facial expressions

-2 NSFW scenes

-Whole new introduction and story with the characters

-Wire minigame

-Cleaning minigame (will be expanded to whole ship in first update)

-Brand new custom soundtrack with several tracks and sound effects throughout

-NSFW CG gallery


Progress wise we're deep in development on the next part, but we still wanted to polish up the build before we release it fully publicly. This includes things such as more transitions between planets, more sound effects throughout, better camera usage in scenes between characters. The build is in a good state and we're happy with it, but we do think we could improve even more by expanding on existing features and potentially implementing more quality of life enhancements throughout. Once we're fully happy with the build we'll be giving people options in how they want to experience it. What this means is you will be able to download the first part like normal builds, or even just simply play it through your browser! We're still figuring out how to do this, but the plan is to let people experience the first part of the Cyber Rift Reboot through Unity's webplayer option on our Newgrounds and Itch pages. 

As always we love to hear feedback and what you guys think of what we've done so far, so feel free to let us know here or on our discord!


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Posted by CyberOwlGames - May 18th, 2022


We wanted to give a news post for both patrons and non patrons alike so let's get right into it! After months of developing the new reboot we were finally able to ship out our first few alpha builds of Cyber Rift for our Owlet and Cyber Owl patrons, and they've done an incredible job giving us feedback on where we need to improve and ideas on what types of features we can add. We've tried to be pretty open in terms of what we've been working on, and right now though the focus has been primarily on our patrons for testing out builds. We still wanted to make sure people we're informed on what our team has been up to, so this public news update is devoted to the progress we've made as of late.


In terms of work towards public release we have the entire demo playable and in a solid state, but it's missing elements of polish that we are currently working on. We've already quashed a plethora of various bugs across the build as well as added small quality of life features, but we know there's a lot more things that we can do to improve it before we release to the masses. This means things such as camera movement, more hovers across the environment, and finally a huge part: music! This time around we have a brand new music artist that we're excited to work with, and we believe that with their help we'll be able to elevate Cyber Rift to new heights.


Current features we already have in the build:

-Fully reworked game built in Unity with options for different resolutions

-20 CG backgrounds

-5 Unique character sprites with different poses and facial expressions

-2 NSFW scenes

-CG gallery for NSFW scenes

-Whole new introduction and story with the characters

-Wire minigame


What we're still working on:

-More hovers!


-Sound effects!

-New UI with Character portraits

-Cleaning minigame (which will be expanded on in first planned update)

-Improved Starmap

-Better camera movement and interactions across the game

-Unique idle stances for Everie and Fae

-SFW mode available

-Teaser for First update (this will be exclusive to patrons)


Our team still has a lot of work to do, but we're extremely proud of where we're at build wise and believe that we have something special going on with this reboot. You can play the latest alpha build now as a patron, or wait until we publicly release (most likely next month at our current rate). Stay tuned for more updates on the reboot!


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Posted by CyberOwlGames - May 14th, 2022


Today we're very excited to show off our brand new roadmap! We wanted a new way to convey just how much progress we've made in the game's development, while also showing off our plans for the future! Though it's currently only a few locations, as the game progress this map will expand and become grander and grander. Currently the game has been written to have 7 Chapters with each one consisting of 4 different parts. Each part will be its own content update, so in terms of development we want to explain that there is a LOT planned for the future.


Our Patreon and SubscribeStar pages both have access to our latest alpha version of Cyber Rift if you want to try out what we've made so far. Our aim to to make the very first part available as the demo, and we'll be keeping the latest version on our Patreon, SubscribeStar and Itch pages. We'll still keep all public news content current across all our pages but we wanted to give a proper update on where we're at. Here's the features we have in our current build:

Here's what you can expect to be featured in the build:

-Fully reworked game built in Unity with options for different resolutions

-20 CG backgrounds

-5 Unique character sprites with different poses and facial expressions

-2 NSFW scenes

-Whole new introduction and story with the characters

-Wire minigame

-Hidden USB pinups and CG gallery


Features we're actively working on:

-More hovers!

-Cleaning minigame (which will be expanded on in first planned update)

-Improved Starmap

-Better camera movement and interactions across the game

-Unique idle stances for Everie and Fae

-SFW mode available

-Teaser for First update (this will be exclusive to patrons)

-Soundtrack! We have a new music artist and they're hard at work on a brand new soundtrack for the game which we will expand upon as we progress

-Sound effects!


We're very excited for the future of Cyber Rift, and hope you'll be excited to play our new demo soon! (or play it early on our Patreon/SubscribeStar/Itch!)

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Posted by CyberOwlGames - May 1st, 2022


We've finally reached that fabled time of playability in our current test build, and we wanted to talk in this progress update of what we're aiming for with the build and future features that will be included. When we release this to build for patrons in the next week we want to preface that this is not feature complete. We're working hard on adding a bunch more features, but right now because it is workable and we wanted to give you a quicker preview. Once the build is 100% done the Patreon, Itch and the new Subscribestar pages will be getting a makeover as well! Now that that's out of the way let's talk about the real meat and potatoes: the build!

(First build out now on Patreon and SubscribeStar: For $5+ tiers first since we want a lot of testing)


As with the previous progress updates, we talked about how we wanted to redesign everything from the ground up to fit the new and improved art. Everything from the story to the artwork has changed from the original Cyber Rift. There will be similar characters/themes used throughout, however it's a unique experience compared to what you have seen before. All characters have unique expressions and various poses, with each scene's dialogue corresponding with the character's faces. We really wanted to emphasize that this is a new experience, and for those who stuck around you'll be seeing new takes on existing characters as well as improved character design/personalities for each one.


With the new takes on the environment, this game will have a proper point and click method of travel between each section. As we iterate on these builds before official public release, you'll placeholder arrows to get to certain places. These are completely temporary and will be removed during official release. We're also really working on changing how the scenes with the characters can feel like, so in future builds there will be far more movement camera wise during conversations. We've also added a small mini game as both a test to see what we could potentially do, and also a fun way to deal with a problem in the environment for character motivation.


In terms of NSFW content in this update we will have two NSFW scenes with the characters. Since this is early on in the story we don't want to go all out at first since that wouldn't make sense with characters who don't know each other too well. So this time around we're adding something that was inspired by the original game: USB sticks! What this means is you'll find hidden collectible pinups around the environment, so eagle eyed players be on the look out for them! As we progress we'll be adding even more little secrets for players to find, and we wanted to have a small thing which will include two NSFW pinups that we're currently working on. This build won't have it, but you can be rest assured we are actively working on it!


Here's what you can expect to be featured in the build:

-Fully reworked game built in Unity with options for different resolutions

-20 CG backgrounds

-5 Unique character sprites with different poses and facial expressions

-1 NSFW scene (second one is still being worked on)

-Whole new introduction and story with the characters

-Wire minigame

Here's a small teaser for the first NSFW scene:


Features we will include in future build:

-More hovers!

-Soundtrack! We have a new music artist and they're hard at work on a brand new soundtrack for the game which we will expand upon as we progress

-Sound effects!

-Finished second NSFW scene (and hidden two USBs!)

-Cleaning minigame (which will be expanded on in first planned update)

-Improved Starmap

-Better camera movement and interactions across the game

-Unique idle stances for Everie and Fae

-NSFW CG gallery

-SFW mode available

-Teaser for First update (this will be exclusive to Patreon and SubscribeStar)

Also wanted to mention we have the entire story mapped out and it will be at least 7 full chapters, with at least 4 parts per chapter. Each part will be at least one update, and we intend to keep a steady flow of content but at the pace that we feel we can ensure quality and also work on special features to include in the future. We're extremely excited for the future and we're more than happy to hear your suggestions. We want to thank everyone that's subscribed and made it possible for us to get this far, super happy that you've stuck around and we hope you're just as excited for the future of Cyber Rift!

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Posted by CyberOwlGames - April 30th, 2022


(This progress update originally came out on March 27th 2022 on Patreon)

Things are really starting to move project wise and we wanted to get a new progress update to our Itch fans even faster this time round! This progress update is devoted to our new environments and the character redesigns, while also going into detail about several new aspects on Cyber Rift. As we get closer to playable, we want to keep you guys informed on our progress but if you want even more up to date progress check our Patreon linked at the bottom of the page. 


(Design of new lander craft for planets)

Due to the sheer size of the brand new ship we realized it was a bit too large for conventional landings unless the location supported, so we made a bit of an inbetween spacecraft for landing on surfaces. The intro to the original Cyber Rift had the player being introduced and immediately going to Jukarya. We felt we liked elements of that, but it felt a bit too rushed and straight to the point so the story was reworked. You'll be seeing a wholly new intro to establish the universe and story, and you'll also be introduced to the brand new character Fae!


Fae is your science inclined spaceship companion and will be joining your journey as a longtime friend, rather than someone you find along the way. Not afraid to give you shit, she'll be one of your closest allies and help guide you on your journey as you progress through Cyber Rift. She has her own motives and on the ship you'll be discover her workspace and see what wild experiments she's been up to. A lot of care has been taken to make the characters feel more unique, and less just simple flirty characters. We wanted to give proper archetypes and differences in personalities, and with Fae you'll be seeing a whole new type of character introduced into Cyber Rift.


We also wanted to show off the WIP redesign of Junky. We really loved Junky as a character, but felt his original design didn't quite make sense for the universe we were trying to go for. So we took the parts of him we looked the best and tried to make a brand new design out of it. Out of these three we choose the one on the right, and you'll be seeing a lot more Junky this time around with the narrative properly involving him instead of it being a one note side character. We'll be showing off some of the newly designed Jukarya location, but we'll leave on a bit of a teaser for the planet.


Check out our Patreon and SubscribeStar! (Subscribers also get exclusive access to pinups and early demos)


Posted by CyberOwlGames - April 29th, 2022


(This progress update originally came out on January 23rd 2022 on Patreon)

Hey everyone! Wanted to make a new art update to show off what we've been working on. This one is focused on the brand new character redesigns to be more in line with the new artstyle and environments.


One thing with the original version of Cyber Rift was that we hadn't become very confident in the artstyle, and although the designs we had were pretty good, we thought we could do a bit better. Every character including the protagonist has been redesigned from the ground up to fit better, and we've also added a brand new character! She's inspired by Jinx (you will really see it from some of the sketches).



Everie in particular has had a pretty extensive redesign, but we did want to keep close to her original concept with a reworked character motivation. One criticism we did receive with the original version of Cyber Rift was that the characters were a bit too flirty, and we really wanted to focus on giving every character their own unique personality and motivation. Everie in particular had a decently strong concept of an android trying to find her place in the universe, and since this is core to her character that will remain the same. The steps in which you'll find her will be a bit different however!


Elsie and the new character are something we've been working on pretty extensively as of late, and we wanted to show off a bit of our design process. Elsie's personality of a ex bounty hunter made a lot of sense for her character, but her design felt a little lacking in some regards. Now with a bit more of a punkish hairstyle and cybernetic attachments, we felt this was a more fitting design for her character. The character on the right side is the new addition to the crew, we've not yet determined what name we want to give her but we had a good feeling for what we wanted design wise. The initial outing of her character though a little too punkish and tattooed, so we toned that down a fair bit to this new version.


Finally character wise is the main protagonist! He also really needed a rework as we've had a fair bit of criticism where player did not enjoy the original version. This initial sketch was a little too chad for our liking, but you can see the initial concepts of cybernetics integrated into him. Since this is a process that we want to include our paying patrons into, we've added a few different versions of the characters and the current one we're happy with. We wanted you guys to be more into the process, so any feedback or criticism is greatly appreciated! This is project isn't just made by us, and we want as much patron involvement as possible!


Here's a few of the iterations:




And final version!


Hope you guys have enjoyed this Progress Update! We're working pretty hard on getting the build into a workable condition, no ETA just yet but we're very happy with progress so far. Next month we'll be showing off some of the new planet environments for the first demo!



Posted by CyberOwlGames - April 29th, 2022


(This progress update originally came out on December 2nd 2021 on Patreon)

Hello everyone! Today we're excited to show off a bit of the new concepts we've been developing for the reboot. Changing engines has definitely been a massive challenge for the team, but the overall benefits to the change have been 100% worth the ordeal. Our wonderful artist Pluzer has been extremely hard at work on the new ship and today I wanted to go over some of the concept art and mostly finished versions of art. 


The two main improvements we wanted to focus on when designing new areas of the ship are player interactivity and detail within the actual environments. What this entails is a more lengthy design process, but it also allows us to focus on the art and really improve every aspect of the game through it. Each environment will have some level of interactive things within it, and also the occasional easter egg for eagled eyed patrons as we continue to add and improve them. Engine wise Unity is a lot better than RenPy when it comes to this type of thing, and stuff like ambient effects, depth of field, and proper highlighting can be achieved a lot easier.


Other aspects such as character design are getting an equal focus. We've taken a hard look at how we try and design each and every character, and are working hard to make it a lot more tonally/visually distinctive for each encounter. This concept is actually of a brand new character with some inspiration from a recent pinup we've done, and we're going to be working on showing a much more detailed and interesting idle for her. Another aspect is we're going to work on more unique idles in general, and have the characters actually properly living in the environments. With the new day/night cycle this will be even more impressive, where specific times of the day can lead to unique character interactions.


As you can see the level of detail within the environment is up to a much higher standard, and Pluzer has been doing an incredible job working on each and every aspect of the new game. Storywise the game has also been dramatically revamped and we will have a dedicated update devoted to talking about the new changes. As we progress through development we really want you guys to have an active outlook on how far we're developing, so we will be having Patron polls asking you what types of things you'll want to add to the ship environments, potential different choices for how things should look, and finally how characters will be dressed! That's enough for this progress update, and hope you're excited for the next one!

