We've finally reached that fabled time of playability in our current test build, and we wanted to talk in this progress update of what we're aiming for with the build and future features that will be included. When we release this to build for patrons in the next week we want to preface that this is not feature complete. We're working hard on adding a bunch more features, but right now because it is workable and we wanted to give you a quicker preview. Once the build is 100% done the Patreon, Itch and the new Subscribestar pages will be getting a makeover as well! Now that that's out of the way let's talk about the real meat and potatoes: the build!
(First build out now on Patreon and SubscribeStar: For $5+ tiers first since we want a lot of testing)

As with the previous progress updates, we talked about how we wanted to redesign everything from the ground up to fit the new and improved art. Everything from the story to the artwork has changed from the original Cyber Rift. There will be similar characters/themes used throughout, however it's a unique experience compared to what you have seen before. All characters have unique expressions and various poses, with each scene's dialogue corresponding with the character's faces. We really wanted to emphasize that this is a new experience, and for those who stuck around you'll be seeing new takes on existing characters as well as improved character design/personalities for each one.

With the new takes on the environment, this game will have a proper point and click method of travel between each section. As we iterate on these builds before official public release, you'll placeholder arrows to get to certain places. These are completely temporary and will be removed during official release. We're also really working on changing how the scenes with the characters can feel like, so in future builds there will be far more movement camera wise during conversations. We've also added a small mini game as both a test to see what we could potentially do, and also a fun way to deal with a problem in the environment for character motivation.

In terms of NSFW content in this update we will have two NSFW scenes with the characters. Since this is early on in the story we don't want to go all out at first since that wouldn't make sense with characters who don't know each other too well. So this time around we're adding something that was inspired by the original game: USB sticks! What this means is you'll find hidden collectible pinups around the environment, so eagle eyed players be on the look out for them! As we progress we'll be adding even more little secrets for players to find, and we wanted to have a small thing which will include two NSFW pinups that we're currently working on. This build won't have it, but you can be rest assured we are actively working on it!

Here's what you can expect to be featured in the build:
-Fully reworked game built in Unity with options for different resolutions
-20 CG backgrounds
-5 Unique character sprites with different poses and facial expressions
-1 NSFW scene (second one is still being worked on)
-Whole new introduction and story with the characters
-Wire minigame
Here's a small teaser for the first NSFW scene:

Features we will include in future build:
-More hovers!
-Soundtrack! We have a new music artist and they're hard at work on a brand new soundtrack for the game which we will expand upon as we progress
-Sound effects!
-Finished second NSFW scene (and hidden two USBs!)
-Cleaning minigame (which will be expanded on in first planned update)
-Improved Starmap
-Better camera movement and interactions across the game
-Unique idle stances for Everie and Fae
-NSFW CG gallery
-SFW mode available
-Teaser for First update (this will be exclusive to Patreon and SubscribeStar)
Also wanted to mention we have the entire story mapped out and it will be at least 7 full chapters, with at least 4 parts per chapter. Each part will be at least one update, and we intend to keep a steady flow of content but at the pace that we feel we can ensure quality and also work on special features to include in the future. We're extremely excited for the future and we're more than happy to hear your suggestions. We want to thank everyone that's subscribed and made it possible for us to get this far, super happy that you've stuck around and we hope you're just as excited for the future of Cyber Rift!
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